GullsEye | General Cargo Module
General Cargo Module

The comprehensive General Cargo Module ensures seamless operations, delivering enhanced efficiency, precision, and adaptability to operational changes.

GEN2 is efficiently designed to manage all operations

General Cargo Module

As GullsEye, we recognize the pivotal role of time management in terminals of all sizes.
Our tailored solutions for dry bulk, break bulk, and project cargo operations, encompassing loading, discharging, warehousing, stuffing/unstuffing, billing management, and customs, epitomize efficiency.
Real-time monitoring through a user-friendly dashboard empowers terminals to efficiently handle a spectrum of requests, including Ship Approach, Discharge, Loading, Shifting, and more. Key features such as dynamic fee calculation, advanced appointment scheduling, and precise control over cargo operations, including weighing and documentation, underscore the effectiveness of our TOS.
Intuitive graphic charts facilitate berth planning, inventory, and operation visualization. The Operation Planning Module allows users to plan yard movements, deliveries, and pick-ups, while the optimization tool automates crane sequences based on various factors, optimizing overall efficiency.
Continuous refinement of yard allocation, load, and discharge operations is ensured by the optimization tool, offering the best possible scenarios in real-time. Real-time monitoring, automated email updates, and a 3D module provide a comprehensive overview of the terminal, including equipment and cargo locations. Services like stuffing and unstuffing are seamlessly executed, contributing to overall efficiency.
GullsEye’s General Cargo Module combines tailored solutions, advanced features, and robust configuration options to deliver unparalleled operational excellence. With GullsEye, terminals gain a competitive edge with enhanced efficiency, precision, and adaptability in the dynamic world of logistics.